Tree Pests that Need to be Treated in Toronto in September

There are many pests that can attack trees in Toronto. Obviously, these tree pests cause a lot of damage, problems and, of course, stress to local homeowners, business owners as well as gardeners.

When it comes to controlling tree pests, it’s critical to treat tree pests at the right time. Bellow, we will put the list of all tree pests that need to be treated in Toronto in September.

Northern Pine Weevil

Northern Pine WeevilNorthern Pine Weevil is considered to be one of common tree pests in Toronto. You can find these pests in the stumps of pine or at the base of the tree.

The bug feeds on the bark at night. Northern Pine Weevil is a big problem for Toronto’s residents who live in the areas where a lot of Scotch pine Christmas trees are growing. The insect pest has a small body that consists of two oval cells.

Have you noticed Northern Pine Weevil on trees in your property? If so, you’ll definitely need to take advantage of pest control services in Toronto and exterminate the bug successfully.

If your trees have been massively infested by Northern Pine Weevil, then you’ll also need to prevent the bug. It’s recommended to prevent the insect pest in August and September. The best way to prevent the bug is to apply the spray (such as methoxychlor) to the foliage of trees.

Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid

Cooley Spruce Gall AdelgidCooley Spruce Gall Adelgid is another tree pest that needs to be treated in Toronto in September.

The pest attacks different types of spruce trees including Colorado blue, Koster blue, Engelmann, and Sitka spruces.

If the insect pest is not treated properly in time it will lay a lot of eggs in the early spring and will spread among all of your spruce trees within a short period of time.

There are several stages of treating Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid. First of all, you need to remove and destroy the spruce galls in June. Afterwards, a spray has to be applied to the trees either in the late September or in the spring. A lot of sprays can be used for treating and preventing the insect pest successfully. These include dimethoate, carbaryl, malathion, endosulfan and other sprays.

Poplar-and-Willow Borer

Poplar-and-Willow BorerPoplar-and-Willow Borer also infests trees in Toronto. The insect pest may attack alder, birch, poplar, willow and other species of trees. The bug has an oval body of dark brown color with wings. Adult pests create small holes in the bark for laying eggs and feeding.

It’s interesting to know that Poplar-and-Willow Borer lays one egg in the hole and has one generation per year only. Insect pests are not easy to control. First of all, you need to cut and destroy all of badly infested trees (or their parts) in early July. Afterwards, the spray (for example, you can use endosulfan spray) is applied to the bark of the trunk from mid-July to September. The spray is applied at two-week intervals.

Have you noticed that insect pests have infested trees in your property? If so, you need to contact a reliable tree care company in Toronto immediately! Ask Tree Doctors for help and we will solve all of your tree pest problems for good quickly.

2016-09-01 09:48:00 September tree pests in Toronto, tree pests, tree pests that needs to be treated in Toronto in September

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