Toronto Tree Pest Report

Pests are known to be one of the biggest threats to trees and urban forests in the city of Toronto. It’s important to note that different types of pests damage trees within the Toronto area every year. That’s the reason why the municipal government makes huge efforts to resolve tree pest problem for good. 

It’s no surprise that Emerald ash borer (also known as EAB) bug is a big problem for ash trees in Toronto. So, the city has installed a lot of EAB traps on trees in different areas of Toronto.

Tree Doctors specialize in different types of tree pest problems in Toronto. Our certified arborists can provide you with Toronto tree pest report. Additionally, we offer effective tree insect programs to help you keep all trees on your property healthy.

Common Pests of Trees in Toronto

Common Pests of Trees in TorontoYou need to know that a lot of pests affect health of trees in within Toronto area. Among common pests of trees in Toronto are: aphids, armillaria root rot, Asian longhorned beetle, birch leafminer, black knot, bronze birch borer, bronze poplar borer, carpenter ant, the Eastern tent caterpillar, elm bark beetles, elm leaf beetle, gypsy moth, lesser peachtree borer, locust borer, locust twig borer, maple gall motes, Norway maple aphid, the elm leafminer, the Emerald ash borer, Eastern pine shoot borer, European gypsy moth, fall cankerworm, fire blight, honey locust plant bug, Japanese beetles, lace bug, oak skeletonizer, pear sawfly, rose chafer, twig pruner as well as termites. Actually, the list of tree insects which may need to be treated in Toronto could go on and on. Keep in mind that our highly trained arborists have knowledge and expertise in treating all types of tree pests in Toronto.

Tree Pest Report in Toronto

Tree Pest Report in TorontoDo you need to get tree pest report in Toronto? We can help you with that!

Our highly trained and fully equipped arborists will come to you quickly and inspect all of trees on your property for pests carefully.

We’ll assess the condition of each tree on your property, determine all trees which have been affected by insects on your property and advise you upon the appropriate solution.

As a result, we’ll provide you with Toronto tree pest report.

Tree Pest Control in Toronto

tree pest controlIf any tree pests have invaded your property we can help you with tree insect treatment.

It’s worth noting that we have all the necessary knowledge and tools to resolve any type of tree pest problem for good.

Our skilled arborists have experience in treating all types of tree insects in the Toronto area.

So, we can resolve any type of tree insect problem on your property quickly and successfully. Our certified arborists can also help you with all other types of tree care problems.

If you are interested in getting Toronto tree pest report or tree pest control services, please call us today at (416) 201-8000. Our experienced, licensed and insured arborists are looking forward to helping you with any of your tree care needs!

2017-03-16 06:12:00 common tree pests in Toronto, Toronto Tree Pest Report, tree insect control Toronto, Tree Pest Control in Toronto, tree pest control Toronto, tree pest report in Toronto

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