The vast majority of trees tend to change their colors several times during the year. Traditionally, the leaves of trees remain green before the start of fall. Normally, tree leaves change their colors during the fall season. As a result, trees turn yellow, red and orange.
Does a tree have yellow leaves in summer? In fact, it’s a bad sign. That means that a tree is likely to have either a disease or growth problem. That’s why it’s very important for you to have your tree inspected and identify the cause of summer leaf yellowing as soon as possible.
Tree inspection will make it possible for you to diagnose tree diseases in the early stages and take an action. An effective treatment will definitely help you save a tree. In this blog, we’ll talk about the reasons why tree leaves are turning yellow during the summer season.
A Tree Doesn’t Receive Enough Water
A tree may have yellow leaves in summer because it doesn’t get enough water. If this happens, you need to check soil moisture. A soil moisture analysis will help you figure out whether a tree is thirsty or not. You should keep all of trees on your properly hydrated all year round. Tree watering needs to be a key part of your tree care program particularly if summer is hot and dry. However, trees need to be watered in the correct way. If the soil around a tree trunk is dry, it makes a lot of sense for you to take advantage of deep root watering. On the other hand, overwatering trees should be avoided. If a tree is overwatered, things may get even worse.
A Tree Lacks Nutrients
Leaves of a tree may also turn yellow during summer months if it doesn’t get the necessary nutrients from the soil. In order to prevent these kinds of things from happening, you should perform soil test on a regular basis. If a test shows that your soil is poor, you’ll definitely need to take advantage of deep root fertilization to replenish lacking nutrients. Making the necessary soil amendments may help you save a tree.
A Tree Has Been Attacked by Insect Pests
Yellow leaves on a tree in summer are one of symptoms and signs of tree pest infestation. Many tree pests become active during the summer season. Among the most common insect pests that attack trees in Toronto are: Asian Long Horned Beetle, Ash Flower Gall, Apple-and-Thorn Skeletonizer, Birch Leafminer, Bronze Birch Borer, Emerald Ash Borer, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Gypsy Moth, Fall Webworm, Yellownecked Caterpillar and many others. First of all, you need to get a tree with leaf discoloration problem inspected by arborists. If arborists find that a tree has been infested during the inspection, they will provide it with a treatment. Effective treatment will help you eliminate an infestation problem for good and save a tree.
Have you noticed that one of trees on your property has yellow leaves in summer? If so, give us a call on (416) 201-8000 right now! Tree Doctors have been providing expert tree care Toronto services for many years. We’ll help you find out the cause of your tree’s discolored leaves and will do everything we can to restore your tree’s health.