Understanding Insurance Benefits and Tree Removal

Sometimes all it takes is a strong wind or storm to damage what you believed to be a sturdy tree. In some unfortunate instances, a damaged tree means damaged property. You may be left questioning your next steps and wondering if tree-related property damage will be covered by your insurance. In this blog, we will review common questions you may have and what you can do to prevent any non-coverage.


Is tree-related damage to my property covered?

While we cannot speak on behalf of your individual insurance policy we can discuss common occurrences in these tree-related situations.

Usually, damage caused to your home, fencing, and garage by a fallen or heavily damaged tree will be covered by your home insurance policy. There are, however, several variables that may come into play when a representative arrives to assess the damage. Your insurance provider will review a list of preventative tree care to determine if the damage to your property will be covered. Two common questions you may hear are: “What was the health status of the tree before the damage-causing event took place?” and “What type of tree care has been provided?”

It is up to you as a homeowner to maintain the trees on your property. A tree that is diseased, damaged, or even dead could be considered a liability that your insurer may view as your responsibility. A good history of tree care in this instance is of the highest importance.



When a tree falls with no property damage

Typically insurance companies will only cover tree removal if there is damage caused to the property. There are instances in if the tree is blocking a driveway or a wheelchair access ramp, an exception could be made. This, however, will be on a case by case basis where you will need to speak to your insurer for additional details.



Tree removal may not be needed

Under the right circumstances, home insurance policies may cover the cost of removing a tree. We recommend speaking to your insurer in more detail and become familiar with what your policy covers. Normally, there will be a cap on the price per tree removal.

A Tree Doctor arborist will be capable of assessing the health of any damaged or fallen trees and provide you with a tree care assessment. In some instances, a tree may be saved with some extra care and clean-up. The individuals here at Tree Doctors are experts in tree care and fully aware of city regulations involved with tree removal. Our services will cover everything you need from removal, clean-up, and replanting.

2018-10-05 08:50:00

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