Tree Fertilizing in Spring

Every experienced gardener knows that it extremely important to fertilize trees in spring. In fact, tree fertilizing in spring delivers multiple significant benefits.

How to Fertilize trees, shrubs and perennials?

It's not enough just to know when to fertilize trees; along with this, garden owners should know how to apply the right fertilizer for trees. Every gardener that has trees, shrubs, and perennials should be constantly fertilizing them if they want the plants to stay strong. It is usually recommended to apply fertilizer at the beginning of the spring season, around March or April, when the plants have just started coming out of winter dormancy as this is the most suitable time for fertilization of trees. The nitrogenous content of the trees promotes growth and therefore trees can absorb the required nutrients during active growth with the help of the nitrogen-rich soil mix. Young and adolescent trees have just started growing roots and for them to have adequate nutrition, they will need to absorb more nutrients and soil during the active phases. Fertilization matters when it comes to blooming for shrubs and even perennials due to the fact that applying it allows for better cycling of blooming and foliation. Proper application of fertilizer for plants enables even distribution of the necessary nutrients allowing for healthy tree and plant growth. Lastly, over-territorially ****damaging the plants and trees around is something that should not be done, so identifying the nutrient levels from the existing soil levels is vital because assisting a plant with too much nitrogen can be antagonistic. A soil test does play a huge part in administering fertilizers because beingwell informed regarding the nutrient requirements of the plant, the needed artificial fertilizer would be applied.

If you adhere to these guidelines, it will guarantee that your trees, shrubs, and perennials flourish all year.

What is Fertilizing?

Tree fertilization consists of depositing nutrients in the soil to foster tree growth and development. Trees take up nutrients from the soil but at times the nutrients available are insufficient, particularly in urban or landscaped settings where soils may be worn out or compressed. Fertilizing ensures these vital nutrients are restocked to help trees grow vigorously. Primarily, the correct time for such an intervention can be in the early spring months when the trees are ridden of dormancy and ready to start their active growth phase. During this phase, nutrient content would be best utilized since there would be more root hair, branches, and leaf formation. Fertilizing a tree in spring builds reserves in tissue and prepares the tree for functioning and growth in the current season thus the best time for the tree to prepare for all the weather stressors within the environment. Although it is crucial to take advantage, the right amount and type of fertilizer are crucial to understand. A common practice is to recommend slow-release fertilizers because their type allows the trees to assimilate the nutrients at the desired rate. Nutrients in tree growth should be well-balanced such that the trees grow well respecting the environment and with no nutrient deficiency. Understanding the best time to fertilize trees allows for optimal growth and resilience throughout the season. When properly done, applying fertilizer to trees improves their flowering and fruiting, increases their growth, and makes the tree more fit.

7608747030_b699a10fc3_k It is worth noting that tree fertilizing is particularly crucial for young trees. The point is that fertilizing in spring promotes much faster tree growth. There is evidence that young trees, which are fertilized in spring, usually grow quicker and develop more successfully. That’s why tree fertilizing plays a key role in the development of young trees. Established trees can benefit from fertilization as well.

It’s important to know that fertilization has a huge positive impact on the development of tree root system. A tree with a well-developed root system can absorb much more nutrients. Thus, minerals and nutrients in the soil are utilized by a tree more effectively. Oftentimes, properly fertilized trees stay green even in the fall. However, prior to providing trees with additional nutrients in spring you need to figure out which of your trees need to be fertilized. Now, we will explain how to cope with this task successfully.

What Trees Do Need to Be Fertilized in Spring?

5684045743_34d877c628_o First of all, you need to estimate annual growth of every tree in your garden. You need to know that when a young tree grows normally it usually has up to 12 to 18 inches of branch growth every year. Also, healthy trees have leaves of dark green color on new growth.

Keep in mind that old trees grow more slowly. Obviously, you need to fertilize those trees which grow less than expected. Have you noticed that a tree changes its amount of foliage, color or size? This can be an indicator of tree development problems. So, it is a great idea to fertilize such a tree. Do you have trees which have been recently attacked by insects or had diseases? Obviously, you need to fertilize these trees first of all.

Why Spring is the Best Time to Fertilize Trees?

31459730_5bb39d8082_oIt’s widely known that trees and shrubs actively grow in the spring. There is no doubt that fertilization will greatly contribute to tree growth. So, a tree will develop successfully.

It is not recommended to fertilize trees in the fall. If you fertilize a tree in the fall you will make it metabolically active before cold winter season. That means that such fertilization can make a huge damage to a tree.

How to Fertilize Trees in Spring?

2 Without a doubt, it is incredibly important to fertilize trees in spring. However, tree fertilizing needs to be done correctly as well. Here are a few tips to help you maximize the benefits of fertilization.

Obviously, you need to use an adequate amount of fertilizer. How much fertilizer per inch should be used for small and large trees? Depending on tree size, about 1/4 – 1/2 pound of nitrogen per inch is used for fertilizing small and large trees. For small trees, it is best to use about 1/4 pound of nitrogen per inch. For larger trees, up to 1/2 pound of nitrogen per inch can be used. It’s reasonable to make holes 12 to 18 inches deep and then fill them with fertilizer. By doing so, you will help a tree absorb nutrients faster.

Depending on tree size, about 1/4 – 1/2 pound of nitrogen per inch is used for fertilizing. To ensure you're applying the correct amounts, it might be helpful to consult a tree surgeon near me for professional insights.

2016-05-02 10:02:00 biological, Colorado Blue Spruce, Emerald Cedar, evergreen, group planting, Oxygen, planet, plants, property, Red Cedar, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Swedish Aspen, Trees, White Pine

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