Things to Know About Taking Care of Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are incredibly important for every homeowner. Growing fruit trees in your garden delivers multiple important benefits. Fruit trees will decorate your garden perfectly and add value to your home.

Moreover, if you succeed in growing fruit trees they will also provide you with harvest. As a result, you will manage to enjoy delicious fruits. However, it is crucial for you to know that fruit trees need to be maintained properly. You should take care of your fruit trees properly. Are you looking for tips on how to take care of fruit trees? Here, we’ll give you short insights into caring for fruit trees.

Fertilizing Fruit Trees

Fertilizing Fruit Trees Fertilizing is extremely important for the health of fruit trees. When a fruit tree becomes mature it begins to consume more nutrients.

Oftentimes, a fruit tree experiences various problems if it doesn’t get enough calcium. If the growing area doesn’t have enough nutrients then a tree may show the signs of premature decline. If that is the case, the soil has to be tested. Fertilizing will provide soil with nutrients it needs and will help you keep your trees healthy.

Watering Fruit Trees

Watering Fruit Trees You need to ensure that fruit trees in your garden get enough water. The lack of water may lead to curled leaves and defoliation as well as many other problems.

Keep in mind that a newly planted fruit tree should consume a gallon of water during a week. Over time, a fruit tree will consume more water. It’s worth noting that a fruit tree needs more water to support its leaf growth. That’s why the water intake of a fruit tree usually increases in summer. It goes without saying that fruit frees have to be watered properly during droughts.

Spraying Fruit Trees

Spraying Fruit Trees Pests may cause a lot of damage to fruit trees in your garden. As a home owner you need to prevent this from happening. That means that you need to develop a pest control plan with your arborist and stick to it. If you spray fruit trees on your own then you need to ensure that pest and disease-control sprays will not cause damage to your children and pests. Always follow instructions provided on the labels of sprays.

Weed Prevention and Control

Weed Prevention and ControlWeeds consume nutrients that fruit trees need. That’s why weeds are a big enemy for fruit trees.

Without a doubt, weed prevention and control has to be a part of your fruit tree maintenance program. You should remove weeds in your garden on a regular basis.

Remove Fallen Leaves under Fruit Trees

Remove Fallen Leaves under Fruit TreesYou should remove fallen leaves under fruit trees in your garden regularly. This will help you prevent various leaf-borne diseases successfully. Moreover, fallen leaves create ideal environment for mice which can cause a lot of damage to your fruit trees. It is crucial to cut grass near fruit trees on a regular basis as well.

2016-05-24 18:35:00 tips on how to take care of fruit trees, Things to Know About Taking Care of Fruit Trees

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