Trees are a good addition to any property. However, it’s crucial for property owners to keep their trees healthy. Diseased trees negatively affect house’s exterior. On the other hand, unhealthy trees may pose a risk to people and properties. If you find that your tree is unhealthy, contact tree care experts as soon as possible. If done right, treatment can help you save your tree and stop the spread of disease. In addition, you’ll be able to reduce tree failure risk dramatically. This blog post is all about spotting the 10 signs of common tree diseases.
1. Armillaria Root Rot
Armillaria root rot is the type of fungus that often attacks birch trees as well as larch trees. The parasite attacks roots and stem of a tree. If this happens, you’ll see tree growth reduction and decay over time. If left untreated, the disease can kill a tree.
2. Canker
Canker is most frequently found on aspen trees. However, the disease can attack other tree species as well. Canker is fungus that forms on bark along a tree’s trunk and can extend as much as three feet in length. If the disease is left untreated, you’ll see large amounts of dead bark on a tree over time. The diseased tree also has a discolored stem.
3. Gall
Gall is the fungus that occurs on branches, stems, roots and a trunk of a tree. The disease usually attacks mature trees.
4. Fire Blight
Fire blight is the disease that usually attacks all species of pines. The fire blight is caused by wet conditions and results in premature defoliation of a tree. You’ll see dead leaves, flowers and stems on a tree. The diseased tree has a burned look.
5. Leaf Curl
Leaf curl is the type of a tree disease that’s caused by viruses. The diseased tree has curled and wilted leaves.
6. Leaf Rust
Leaf rust is also known for being one of the most common tree diseases. If the disease attacks a tree, you’ll begin to see red and orange spots on its leaves. The diseased tree looks like it has been touched by a fire.
7. Leaf Spot
This type of a tree disease is caused by fungi, pathogens and insects. The diseased tree has yellow or brown spots on leaves.
8. Stunting
Do you see that your tree doesn’t grow to normal size? Actually, there are many reasons why this may happen. Stunting can be caused by problems like a lack of nutrients, damaged roots and pathogens.
9. Wilt
This disease is usually caused by either a lack of water or by over watering a tree. Wilt can also be caused by pathogens. The diseased tree usually looks lifeless and its leaves drop down. It’s very important to identify the reason of a problem and provide a tree with an effective treatment immediately. If wilt progresses and the tree cannot be revived, you may need to consider removal followed by a stump grinder service to safely clear the area and prevent potential hazards.
10. Witch’s Broom
Witch’s broom is among diseases that often attack trees in the Toronto area. Trees which are attacked by Witch’s Broom have broom-like branches. You can also see the twigs that pop up in the middle of a tree’s branch.
Are you in need of tree health care services in the city of Toronto? Give us a call: (416) 201-8000! Our highly experienced, fully equipped and certified Toronto arborists are always looking forward to helping you with any of your tree care needs!