There are two main reasons for which people choose to plant cedar hedges.

It’s worth noting that cedar hedges are extremely beautiful. So, cedar trees will greatly contribute to your exterior design and landscaping.

On the other hand, cedar trees can be used for creating hedges and privacy.

One way or another, you need to know how to plant and maintain cedar hedges in the right way. In this blog, you’ll find useful information on growing attractive cedar hedges.

Planting Cedar Hedges

It’s incredibly important to plant cedar trees at the right time. Summer is not the best time for planting cedar hedges. It’s recommended to plant cedar trees either in early spring or in the fall.

Calculate the Number of Cedars– Prepare for planting cedar trees. Before to start planting cedar hedges you need to decide how many cedar trees you need.

In order to calculate the number of cedars you should know the length of your cedar hedge.

Keep in mind that the distance between cedar trees should be about 75 centimeters.

Planting Cedar Hedges– Digging planting holes. Afterwards, you need to dig the holes for your cedar trees. The planting hole’s width and depth have to be 80 centimeters and 40 centimeters respectively.

When holes are ready it’s the right time to plant cedar trees.

When putting a cedar tree in the planting hole you need to ensure that its roots are covered with soil.

– Fertilizing. Fertilizing is crucial for growing successful cedar trees as well. Do you plant cedar hedges in the spring? If so, it’s a great idea to fertilize cedar trees. Fertilizing will promote new growth and will have a huge positive impact on health of cedar trees. However, you shouldn’t fertilize cedar trees if you plant them in the fall. The point is that cedar trees prepare for winter in the fall. That’s why you shouldn’t encourage their growth.

– Watering. Watering also plays a key role in planting cedar trees. When planting cedar trees you should always water their roots properly. Don’t fill in the planting hole until the soil absorbs water.

Maintaining Cedar Hedges

– Fertilizing. Fertilizing has to be a part of your cedar tree maintenance program. As it has been mentioned above, you need to start fertilizing cedar trees in the early spring. Continue fertilizing cedar trees until July.

Watering Cedar Trees– Watering. Water is crucial for health of cedar trees. However, you shouldn’t forget that moderation is the key in watering cedar trees. If a cedar tree gets too much water its color may begin to change. If a cedar tree doesn’t get enough water it leaves may become dry and prickly. If it doesn’t rain for a long period of time you should water your cedar hedges at least once a week.

Trimming cedar tree– Trimming. You should also trim your cedar trees on a regular basis.

It’s good to know that cedar trees should be trimmed at least once a year.

The ideal time for trimming cedar trees is between middle June and late September.

Trim a cedar tree on both sides. By doing so, you will not allow a cedar tree to expand significantly.


Planting a Cedar Tree

When considering how to plant cedar trees, it’s important to address the timing and location first. The process of planting cedar trees is quite complex in that it needs a certain amount of consideration and commitment. Knowing when to plant cedar trees is crucial, as planting in early spring or autumn provides the ideal conditions for root establishment. The ideal conditions for cedar roots to become established before the severe temperatures of summer or winter begin to set is either early spring or autumn — this serves as the best time for planting cedar trees. The best time for growing cedar trees is quintessential due to the fact that planting in summer for example stresses the trees while planting in early spring or fall means that the trees can adapt quite easily and quickly. Before planting any seeds, there is a need to facilitate the planting process by loosening the soil and removing any unwanted objects such as weeds or rocks. Create a hole that measures about 80 centimeters in width and 40 centimeters in depth so that the roots have enough space. Avoid packing the soil around the tree too tightly instead cover the roots with soil once the tree is in the pit. Now water the cedar tree thoroughly to remove any air pockets around the roots and pack the soil which will in turn help the roots in getting the required moisture. This watering is particularly important so that the roots do not dry off completely. They also recommend mulching the tree base to help encapsulate moisture and keep the soil steady. If you are careful about the period and the treated soil, planting cedar trees can give you a strong, dense, and attractive fence that beautifies the area.

After Planting Cedar Trees

The best time to plant cedar hedge is early spring, as it aligns with the growing season and helps the plants establish well. Any tree's growth and overall health depend heavily on its aftercare, and the same applies to cedar trees. In most cases, the Cedar hedge gets planted at the start of the growing season which ensures the plants grow at a proper rate and pace. In case you did not know, proper fertilization comes next in line after the seed has been planted. Using the best fertilizer for cedar trees is crucial as it changes the rate and health of their growth remarkably. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are best recommended in terms of cedars because they promote growth and dark green leaves. Sprinkle some around it in early spring to prepare the plants for the growing season. Once again, avoid mid to late fall as it’s too late and might result in the cracking of growth during a season in which the tree requires dormancy. Moving on, regular watering is also crucial and should be done without fail. New plants require water and moisture so watering the roots would be recommended about once a week. Growing stresses may begin to be visible as time passes by and may result in constant drought, keep on monitoring for those signs. Moreover, monoecious and ornamentally attractive thin cedar trees with dense reverse cones should have mulch placed around their bases because it conserves water, discourages the growth of weeds, and helps regulate soil temperature. With proper cedar trees care not only the health of your cedar trees are preserved, but also a thick and beautiful cedar hedge is formed.

Are you interested in cedar hedges planting and maintenance in Toronto? We can help you! TreeDoctors have huge experience in planting as well as maintaining cedar hedges. Our tree experts are always happy to provide a solution to any of your needs!


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