Soil aeration has a huge positive impact on roots of trees. So, this procedure is incredibly important for the growth and health of trees. That’s why air spading has to be a key part of any tree care program.
Actually, there are two ways of spading trees – hand digging and air spading. It’s important to know that the help of air spading tool is immeasurable in the arborist’s work. Using the compressed air spading tool delivers multiple benefits to gardeners, arborists as well as homeowners.
Without a doubt, the air spading will become a good alternative to hand digging. In this blog post, we’ll highlight the most important advantages of air spading for trees.
Air Spading for Trees Helps Arborists Save a Lot of Time
One of the great things about using air spade digging tool is that it saves a lot of time and minimize the efforts of arborists significantly. It goes without saying that a compressed air spading tool makes it easier for gardeners to dig trees.
It’s worth noting that air spade digging tool is powered by air compressors. Obviously, it will take less time for gardener to spade trees with air spade tool. The focused air stream can penetrate through all types of soil easily and quickly. Using the tool allows arborist to dig trees 2 or even 3 times faster comparing to hand excavation.
Air Spading Tools are Safe
It’s common knowledge that roots are a critical part of the tree. So, you need to avoid damaging roots when digging trees. The compressed air excavation tool allows arborists to spade trees in a safe way. The point is that buckets, digging blades, picks and other tools used for hand digging have sharp metal edges which can be dangerous to tree roots. That means that you can easily damage the roots of your trees by hand digging tools.
Moreover, if you spade trees with hand digging tools you can also damage telecommunication cables, fiber optic lines, pipes, as well as utility lines. As a result, you will face a lot of unwanted problems. However, if you choose to use the most up-to-date compressed air spading tool in your work you will be able to avoid such a problem.
Air Spading Allows Arborists to Do their Work More Effectively
It’s recommended to break soil into small particles during soil aeration. These gardeners, who do hand digging work, know how it may be difficult to break some rocky soils with a shovel. However, the innovative air spading tools are best known for their great features and excellent performance. That means that using the air excavation tool powered by air compressors will help you cope with this task easily, quickly and successfully. Keep in mind that the modern air spading tools are portable, so you will not find it difficult to relocate them in your garden.
By using advanced air spading techniques, Tree Doctors Inc ensures that your trees receive the best care possible, promoting both their health and longevity.