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Mulching 101: The Benefits and Proper Techniques for Your Trees
5 Dec, 2023 In: Show by tag

Mulching 101: The Benefits and Proper Techniques for Your Trees

Toronto, with its vibrant cityscape, is also home to an array of beautiful trees that bring life and greenery to the urban setting. Ensuring the health and longevity of these trees is crucial, whether through routine care like mulching or more extensive procedures such as a professional tree removal…

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Seasonal Tree Care: What to Do in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
11 Aug, 2023 In: Show by tag

Seasonal Tree Care: What to Do in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter

As a homeowner or property manager in Toronto, maintaining the health and beauty of your trees is a year-round responsibility. AtTreeDoctors, we offer comprehensive arborist services to ensure your trees are well cared for in every season. Here's a seasonal guide to tree care that will help you understand…

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Cleaning Up After Winter Storms
29 Jan, 2021 In: Show by tag

Cleaning Up After Winter Storms

Regardless of whether you got two inches or two feet, there are almost always issues to manage after a Cleaning Up After winter stormwinter storm –particularly if you’ve lost access to what you would’ve had prior to it. The following are a couple of tips for how to clear rapidly, tidy viably, and stay…

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The Essentials In Winter Tree Maintenance
15 Jan, 2021 In: Show by tag

The Essentials In Winter Tree Maintenance

Another year has begun, but the wintry weather hasn’t ended yet. Trees are like sleeping giants, hibernating through the freezing temperatures until the warmer weather arrives. But trees aren’t just snoozing the winter, they actually experience the full impact of it, more than some may think. Older…

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Preventing Tree Damage In Colder Temperatures
7 Jan, 2021 In: Show by tag

Preventing Tree Damage In Colder Temperatures

Colder temperatures can bring a perilous time for trees. There are various ways that colder elements can bring harm to your landscape, ranging in reasons and methods of prevention. Reasons for cold damage on trees can vary, but most commonly include root damage and extensive bark and core chewing by…

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Preparing Your Trees For Colder Weather
2 Jan, 2021 In: Show by tag

Preparing Your Trees For Colder Weather

Despite the fact that trees are mostly dormant during winter, they're not shielded from the elements like a resting creature that hibernates in an enclosed spot. Trees often experience the entirety of the crude power of the cold season. Frigid conditions can be unpleasant on trees, particularly on more…

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What To Do If Your Tree Is Shedding Bark?
20 Nov, 2020

What To Do If Your Tree Is Shedding Bark?

Are your trees shedding bark? It is quite regular for a tree to moderately shed bark, especially for some types like silver maple or birch. Shedding large chunks of bark is part of the tree’s allure and natural cycle. Trees like oak, pine, maple or ash develop from its inside out, forcing older bark…

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Protecting Trees From Winter Damage in Toronto
23 Nov, 2017

Protecting Trees From Winter Damage in Toronto

Trees need to overcome a lot of challenges during cold winter months. Heavy snows, harsh winds, cold weather, ice storms as well as hungry deers, rabbits and mice pose threats to health of trees in winter. Now, it’s time to protect trees from winter damage. Winter is coming. The question is – what…

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Winter Mulching in Toronto
19 Jan, 2017

Winter Mulching in Toronto

Toronto region is known for its cold winter weather, harsh winds as well as severe snow and ice storms. It’s common knowledge that freezing cold winter weather can negatively affect health of trees. That’s why it’s so important for Toronto’s residents to have at least a basic understanding of how to…

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Tree Care to Prevent Storm Damage in Toronto
4 Jan, 2017

Tree Care to Prevent Storm Damage in Toronto

Snow, ice, freezing rain as well as winds cause huge damage to Toronto’s residents every year. Winter has already come and that means that we must be ready for severe storms and bad weather. It’s crucial for Toronto’s residents to make sure that their homes and properties are protected from storms.…

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ISA and ASCA Certified Arborists

$5,000,000 Liability Insurance

Combined Tree Expertise for 50+ yrs

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