When a tree shows visiblesigns of infection or disease, many things can be assumed as a cause. When identifying troublesome developments with your trees, it’s important to comprehend and contextualize the interpretation of its symptoms. Managing such issues should also be done with caution and procedure,…
Read moreHow can you tell when a tree has disease or infection? Disease within a tree is most commonly identified through indications of disease seen in the crown, on foliage or stems of a tree. While determining and managing such issues can be an intimidating thing, understanding their components is important. …
Read moreTree disease and infection is a near unpredictable and frustrating thing. When looking to understand the basics of prevention and management in relation to these issues, knowing the different types of causes and risks that contribute to them is essential. The numerous causes behind the interruption…
Read moreTree maintenance and care can be a daunting task. Trees are often confronted with extreme conditions, risk of infestation and damage, and will likely need inspection at one point or another. Because of this, it’s imperative to know the basics of tree health, what to prevent, look out for and manage. …
Read moreTree diseases aren't warm and pleasant things. Among the potential harm they can cause are dying leaves, branches and, in more severe cases, the demise of a whole tree. Keep reading for a review on how the most common tree infections are caused, how to recognize them and how to control and treat them. …
Read moreColder temperatures can bring a perilous time for trees. There are various ways that colder elements can bring harm to your landscape, ranging in reasons and methods of prevention. Reasons for cold damage on trees can vary, but most commonly include root damage and extensive bark and core chewing by…
Read moreAre your trees shedding bark? It is quite regular for a tree to moderately shed bark, especially for some types like silver maple or birch. Shedding large chunks of bark is part of the tree’s allure and natural cycle. Trees like oak, pine, maple or ash develop from its inside out, forcing older bark…
Read moreIt’s no surprise that a lot of tree pests become active in the Toronto area in May. When the annoying insects are not treated effectively on time they can cause a lot of damage to trees and shrubs in your property. So, if you find that some of your trees have been attacked by pests, the best thing you…
Read moreThe blooming season has come. So, we can see flowering trees and shrubs in gardens and on the streets of the city. On the other hand, we shouldn’t forget that some of bugs are active in Toronto in April. That means that now it’s time for Toronto’s homeowners as well as business owners to start treating…
Read morePests are known to be one of the biggest threats to trees and urban forests in the city of Toronto. It’s important to note that different types of pests damage trees within the Toronto area every year. That’s the reason why the municipal government makes huge efforts to resolve tree pest problem for…
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