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Identifying Evergreen Trees
5 Feb, 2021 In: Show by tag

Identifying Evergreen Trees

Initially, most evergreen trees look pretty comparative and similar at a first glance. Regardless of whether you take a closer look or not, you may not even know what differences you're looking for. How might you recognize one evergreen tree from another? How about we answer that question for three…

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Factors To Consider When Looking For An Arborist
22 Dec, 2020 In: Show by tag

Factors To Consider When Looking For An Arborist

Picking the ideal organization to manage your tree care needs can be troublesome and frustrating. There are many companies that advertise to do such work, but not all of them are the same. It is important that when deciding on a tree care company, that you pick one that is adequate. What things would…

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Managing Surface Roots
20 Nov, 2020

Managing Surface Roots

Yards with large trees are often disrupted by surface roots, which can make law maintenance difficult and can crack sidewalks. More than anything, they are just not appealing to the eye and are a potentially dangerous tripping risk to passers-by. What to do? Here are a few great suggestions on managing…

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Tree Services for Toronto Property Management Companies
8 Jun, 2017

Tree Services for Toronto Property Management Companies

There is no question that trees can become a good addition to any type of property. The reality is trees make properties more beautiful and comfortable. And of course, trees increase the value of properties. However, it’s crucial for property owners to maintain their trees in the right way. We are always…

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27 Jul, 2016


Are you looking for arborists who provide tree care services for golf clubs and commercial properties in Toronto? Tree Doctors is the answer! We have huge experience in maintaining trees for golf clubs as well as different types of commercial properties. Our company is always happy to provide cost-effective…

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Tree Fertilizing in Spring
2 May, 2016

Tree Fertilizing in Spring

Every experienced gardener knows that it extremely important to fertilize trees in spring. In fact, tree fertilizing in spring delivers multiple significant benefits. How to Fertilize trees, shrubs and perennials? It's not enough just to know when to fertilize trees; along with this, garden owners…

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Pruning Trees in Spring
26 Apr, 2016

Pruning Trees in Spring

The tree pruning procedure involves removing damaged, dead and weak branches. Actually, pruning trees delivers multiple important benefits.   Without a doubt, pruning is crucial for keeping trees healthy. This tree maintenance procedure plays a key role in preventing insects and decay organisms from…

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Spring Tree Planting
7 Apr, 2016

Spring Tree Planting

There’s probably no better way to spend your day off chilling in a chair in your back yard enjoying the nature. Most people who own private homes would agree that plants, specifically trees, make our yards look beautiful and provide us with lots of benefits such as shade, privacy and moreover, they increase…

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ISA and ASCA Certified Arborists

$5,000,000 Liability Insurance

Combined Tree Expertise for 50+ yrs

Professional Tools and Equipment

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