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«fertilizing trees»

Caring For And Protecting Your Trees
20 Mar, 2021 In: Show by tag

Caring For And Protecting Your Trees

Once a tree has been planted, it takes appropriate and consistent consideration, support and upkeep to protect it on an ongoing basis. The most ideal approach to secure the survival of a tree is to prevent damage from occurring. Appropriate planting, upkeep and prevention are the keys to guarding the…

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Managing Surface Roots
20 Nov, 2020

Managing Surface Roots

Yards with large trees are often disrupted by surface roots, which can make law maintenance difficult and can crack sidewalks. More than anything, they are just not appealing to the eye and are a potentially dangerous tripping risk to passers-by. What to do? Here are a few great suggestions on managing…

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Tree Health Care in Toronto
8 Sep, 2016

Tree Health Care in Toronto

Proper soil and root care is crucial to growing healthy trees. There is no doubt that poor soil and root care will negatively affect the health of your trees and lead to various problems. Do you see that some of your trees have health issues? If so, you should ask tree care professionals for help as…

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