Most plants either have or will develop a woody stem. This can include trees, tree saplings, bushes, brush, plants and thistles. Some examples of these types of plants include Willow, Locust, Maple and Tree of heaven saplings. Although the development of woody material can be overwhelming to maintain…
Read moreSpringtime is an ideal chance to give your trees some additional help and consideration. Since they have been dormant for a quarter of a year, it is essential that your trees are dealt with as early into spring as possible. There are a couple of practicesthat you ought to take with your trees after…
Read moreTree diseases aren't warm and pleasant things. Among the potential harm they can cause are dying leaves, branches and, in more severe cases, the demise of a whole tree. Keep reading for a review on how the most common tree infections are caused, how to recognize them and how to control and treat them. …
Read moreWith regards to Canadian plants and trees, there is a plethora of variety. From tropic-like plants in the north, to more regional plants with surprisingly bold appearances, here are 15 outlandish —and fascinating —sorts of plants you'll discover in Canada. …
Read moreConifers are trees with extraordinarily extensive scale-like leaves or needles and seed-bearing cones. They are generally evergreen and can develop into enormous, towering trees. There are also many miniature varieties, including numerous groundcover plants. Here are some basic things to keep in mind…
Read moreInitially, most evergreen trees look pretty comparative and similar at a first glance. Regardless of whether you take a closer look or not, you may not even know what differences you're looking for. How might you recognize one evergreen tree from another? How about we answer that question for three…
Read moreRegardless of whether you got two inches or two feet, there are almost always issues to manage after a Cleaning Up After winter stormwinter storm –particularly if you’ve lost access to what you would’ve had prior to it. The following are a couple of tips for how to clear rapidly, tidy viably, and stay…
Read moreAs getting your trees ready for future challenges takes some planning and thorough investigation, right now is a great chance to learn more about tree care and planting. The greatest way to do this is by learning more about your community. The Tree Doctors team would love to help you in your first step…
Read moreAnother year has begun, but the wintry weather hasn’t ended yet. Trees are like sleeping giants, hibernating through the freezing temperatures until the warmer weather arrives. But trees aren’t just snoozing the winter, they actually experience the full impact of it, more than some may think. Older…
Read moreColder temperatures can bring a perilous time for trees. There are various ways that colder elements can bring harm to your landscape, ranging in reasons and methods of prevention. Reasons for cold damage on trees can vary, but most commonly include root damage and extensive bark and core chewing by…
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