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The Importance of Stump Grinding a Healthy Yard in Toronto
5 Jun, 2023 In: Show by tag

The Importance of Stump Grinding a Healthy Yard in Toronto

Stump grinding is a crucial yet often overlooked process when it comes to maintaining a lush, healthy yard. Particularly for our clients in Toronto, where diverse plant life and landscaping styles thrive, eliminating tree stumps can transform not only the aesthetic appeal of your yard, but also its overall…

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Common Tree Diseases in Toronto and How to Prevent Them
26 May, 2023 In: Show by tag

Common Tree Diseases in Toronto and How to Prevent Them

In Toronto, trees are an integral part of our city's ecosystem, providing oxygen, improving air quality, reducing urban heat islands, and serving as homes for wildlife. Yet, they can fall prey to numerous diseases. This blog post will shed light on the most common tree diseases in Toronto and how you…

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The Environmental Impact of Trees: Green Giants Improving Our World
20 May, 2023 In: Show by tag

The Environmental Impact of Trees: Green Giants Improving Our World

In the heart of our bustling city, Toronto, there is an army of green giants silently working round-the-clock to improve our environment. These are trees, nature's own air purifiers and ecosystem protectors, steadfastly beautifying our urban landscape while serving a crucial ecological purpose. Trees…

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Why Your Arborist Should Refrain From Using Spikes
30 Apr, 2021 In: Show by tag

Why Your Arborist Should Refrain From Using Spikes

Is your tree care specialist using spikes to climb while pruning your trees? Ouch! Climbing spikes are sharp steel spikes on the climber's leg held by calfskin ties and cushioned backings. A tree care specialist should only utilize them to get to trees if they are being removed. At the point when these…

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Determining Disease In A Tree
24 Apr, 2021 In: Show by tag

Determining Disease In A Tree

When a tree shows visiblesigns of infection or disease, many things can be assumed as a cause. When identifying troublesome developments with your trees, it’s important to comprehend and contextualize the interpretation of its symptoms. Managing such issues should also be done with caution and procedure,…

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The Main Indicators Of A Diseased Tree
17 Apr, 2021 In: Show by tag

The Main Indicators Of A Diseased Tree

How can you tell when a tree has disease or infection? Disease within a tree is most commonly identified through indications of disease seen in the crown, on foliage or stems of a tree. While determining and managing such issues can be an intimidating thing, understanding their components is important.  …

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The Risks And Benefits Of Mulching
10 Apr, 2021 In: Show by tag

The Risks And Benefits Of Mulching

Once in a while it's interesting to determine what's to an extreme, insufficient or spot on for our trees. Take mulching, for instance. It's an unquestionably essential requirement for legitimate tree support, however when mulch is excessively high and contacts a tree's trunk, it can cause issues. It’s…

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Why And How Trees Develop Issues
3 Apr, 2021 In: Show by tag

Why And How Trees Develop Issues

Tree disease and infection is a near unpredictable and frustrating thing. When looking to understand the basics of prevention and management in relation to these issues, knowing the different types of causes and risks that contribute to them is essential. The numerous causes behind the interruption…

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The Essentials Of Tree Wellbeing
27 Mar, 2021 In: Show by tag

The Essentials Of Tree Wellbeing

Tree maintenance and care can be a daunting task. Trees are often confronted with extreme conditions, risk of infestation and damage, and will likely need inspection at one point or another. Because of this, it’s imperative to know the basics of tree health, what to prevent, look out for and manage.  …

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Caring For And Protecting Your Trees
20 Mar, 2021 In: Show by tag

Caring For And Protecting Your Trees

Once a tree has been planted, it takes appropriate and consistent consideration, support and upkeep to protect it on an ongoing basis. The most ideal approach to secure the survival of a tree is to prevent damage from occurring. Appropriate planting, upkeep and prevention are the keys to guarding the…

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ISA and ASCA Certified Arborists

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Combined Tree Expertise for 50+ yrs

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