As you can see, the fall has already begun and trees have started changing their colors. That means that it’s time to prepare trees for winter. Preparing trees for winter involves removing dead branches, limbs and fungus, root grounding and more. Obviously, certified arborists in Toronto can help you…
Read moreOftentimes, the soil doesn’t have the necessary nutrients after summer. Obviously, this can negatively affect the health of trees. That’s why it’s incredibly important to feed trees and shrubs properly in fall. Deep root tree fertilization (or deep root tree feeding) in fall will help you keep your…
Read moreFall tree pruning is critical to health and growth of trees. That’s why tree pruning has to be a key part of a fall care program of trees. The fall has begun and that means that it’s time to start thinking about fall tree pruning. Why, when and how to prune trees in the fall? In fact, this type of questions…
Read moreProper soil and root care is crucial to growing healthy trees. There is no doubt that poor soil and root care will negatively affect the health of your trees and lead to various problems. Do you see that some of your trees have health issues? If so, you should ask tree care professionals for help as…
Read moreThere are many pests that can attack trees in Toronto. Obviously, these tree pests cause a lot of damage, problems and, of course, stress to local homeowners, business owners as well as gardeners. When it comes to controlling tree pests, it’s critical to treat tree pests at the right time. Bellow, we…
Read moreToronto is well-known due to its extreme weather conditions. Unfortunately, big seasonal storms frequently occur in the area. Oftentimes, storms damage trees and properties and cause a lot of problems and stress to local homeowners as well as business owners. It’s important to understand that trees…
Read moreAsh trees are unique and very beautiful trees which can become a good addition to your property. It’s easy to identify ash trees. Ash trees are known due to having opposite branching, grey smooth bark and compound leaf. There are several species of ash trees, including black ash, blue ash, California…
Read moreProper tree maintenance is extremely important for keeping both young and mature trees beautiful and healthy. That’s why you need to have a basic understanding of how to maintain young and mature trees. In this blog, we’ll give Toronto residents short insights into caring for young and mature trees. Maintenance…
Read moreTree pests are undoubtedly one of the biggest problems for many homeowners, business owners as well as gardeners in Toronto. You need to know that pests can cause a lot of damage to your trees if you don’t take action quickly. Don’t allow annoying pests to damage your trees and ruin your happiness!…
Read moreAre you looking for arborists who provide tree care services for golf clubs and commercial properties in Toronto? Tree Doctors is the answer! We have huge experience in maintaining trees for golf clubs as well as different types of commercial properties. Our company is always happy to provide cost-effective…
Read moreEvery year tree pests cause a lot of problems and stress to residents of Toronto. That’s why tree pest control has to be a part of your tree maintenance program. There are different types of tree pests in Toronto. It’s worth noting that some bugs become very active in summer. In this blog, we’ll tell…
Read moreShrubs are a great way to enhance your exterior and add value to your home. However, growing shrubs is not as easy as it may seem. It’s crucial for homeowners to know that the proper maintenance is required to keep shrubs beautiful and healthy. In this blog, we’ll give you short insights into the shrub…
Read moreThere are two main reasons for which people choose to plant cedar hedges. It’s worth noting that cedar hedges are extremely beautiful. So, cedar trees will greatly contribute to your exterior design and landscaping. On the other hand, cedar trees can be used for creating hedges and privacy. One way…
Read moreEvery year tree pests cause a lot of damage to homeowners and business owners in Toronto. When it comes to tree pest control, it is incredibly important to take action in time. Have you noticed tree pests of their signs in your garden? If so, contact tree care professionals as soon as possible and don’t…
Read moreDo you have a tree that needs to be removed? Actually, tree removal process consists of several stages. First of all, you need to cut down a tree. Afterwards, a tree is divided into several pieces and taken away from your property. You will have a stump in your yard after a tree is removed. In addition,…
Read moreSoil aeration has a huge positive impact on roots of trees. So, this procedure is incredibly important for the growth and health of trees. That’s why air spading has to be a key part of any tree care program. Actually, there are two ways of spading trees – hand digging and air spading. It’s important…
Read moreHas your tree been damaged and poses risks to people or properties? Does your tree need to be treated? Or, maybe, you need to get a tree-removal permit? One way or another, you will need the arborist reports and consulting service. It is important to know that this kind of tree care services can be…
Read moreThere has been a lot of talk about the Emerald Ash Border (also known as EAB) invasive pest and huge damage it causes to Toronto’s trees and the economy of the city. It goes without saying that Emerald Ash Border is a big problem for homeowners and business owners in Toronto. In this blog, we’ll tell…
Read moreFruit trees are incredibly important for every homeowner. Growing fruit trees in your garden delivers multiple important benefits. Fruit trees will decorate your garden perfectly and add value to your home. Moreover, if you succeed in growing fruit trees they will also provide you with harvest. As…
Read moreEven if you care for your trees properly on a regular basis there are situations when trees need to be removed. Some trees can cause problems and inconveniences to homeowners. Oftentimes, problematic trees pose the risk to other trees, properties and health of people. If that is the case, you definitely…
Read moreTree spraying as well as tree pruning, tree removal and other services are a key part of any tree care program. Today, almost all tree care companies specialize in delivering tree spraying services. Tree spraying is done to control tree insects and pests. The procedure can be done both for treating…
Read moreEvery experienced gardener knows that it extremely important to fertilize trees in spring. In fact, tree fertilizing in spring delivers multiple significant benefits. How to Fertilize trees, shrubs and perennials? It's not enough just to know when to fertilize trees; along with this, garden owners…
Read moreThe tree pruning procedure involves removing damaged, dead and weak branches. Actually, pruning trees delivers multiple important benefits. Without a doubt, pruning is crucial for keeping trees healthy. This tree maintenance procedure plays a key role in preventing insects and decay organisms from…
Read moreThere’s probably no better way to spend your day off chilling in a chair in your back yard enjoying the nature. Most people who own private homes would agree that plants, specifically trees, make our yards look beautiful and provide us with lots of benefits such as shade, privacy and moreover, they increase…
Read moreWith notes on winter pruning Trees are about 50% water. So in the dead of winter, with temperatures reaching double-digits below freezing, how do trees not freeze and burst like water pipes? The truth is, that often enough trees do freeze in the winter, at least in part. If you have ever taken a silent…
Read moreSpring has sprung and the sun has returned for the start of a new season- ‘tis the time of year for tree planting. While the nurseries stock pile trees in preparation for the rush, and the weather reporters warn us of the rainfall, we find ourselves in the perfect time of year to install our young trees.…
Read moreBy Sergio De Lara Are you thinking of planting a fruit tree in your property? Growing your own fruit can be a very rewarding experience. Many fruit trees can also make great accents in ornamental gardens. Before planting your tree, here are a few things to consider that can make or break the success…
Read moreBy Sergio De Lara An Arborist by definition is a specialist in the care and maintenance of trees. More specifically, an arborist is a professional in Arboriculture: the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, and woody plants. (This differs from Silviculture, which is the…
Read moreI talk to many people throughout my work week who ask me for their trees to be fertilized. It doesn’t matter what kind of fertilizer, how it is administered, all they want is fertilizer! Although I agree that in most cases you will see a quick benefit with a good fertilizer that is administered at the…
Read moreAn undiagnosed diseased tree might kill your other trees, leaving your yard without trees. It could also fall, which can harm you and your property. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye on your tree to be aware of any symptoms that point to it being unhealthy. How to find out if your tree is Sick…
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