Trees need to overcome a lot of challenges during cold winter months. Heavy snows, harsh winds, cold weather, ice storms as well as hungry deers, rabbits and mice pose threats to health of trees in winter. Now, it’s time to protect trees from winter damage. Winter is coming. The question is – what…
Read moreThe winter is coming. Harsh winds, heavy snow, ice storms, cold temperatures as well as animals can cause a huge damage to trees in winter. So, your job is to prevent all of these problems and protect trees against winter damage. Tree wrapping needs to be a key part of your winter tree care program. Today,…
Read moreHome owners and business owners choose to contact arborists for tree risk assessment for a number of reasons. Trees may become weak or unstable over time. If you find that some of your trees pose a risk to people or properties – take advantage of tree risk assessment service as soon as possible. It’s…
Read moreTrees are usually pruned either in the early spring or in the late fall. The fall has begun and that’s why we’ve decided to talk about the importance of fall tree pruning. First of all, we’ll highlight the benefits of fall tree pruning. After that, we’ll explain to you what trees need to be pruned in…
Read moreHow much do we know about trees? In fact, there are many surprising things about trees that you never knew… Trees can experience stress and talk to each other. Trees can be male, female and both. Trees traveled to the moon. Trees are very thirsty. There are many other amazing things about trees that…
Read moreThe fall has begun and now it’s time for Toronto’s residents to prepare their trees and shrubs for the winter. Fall tree care and maintenance is done to protect trees as well as shrubs from severe storms, cold and harsh winds during winter months. Proper fall tree care also leads to healthy growth…
Read moreThe summer is coming to an end and the fall is about to begin. It’s time for Toronto’s residents to take the necessary measures to protect their trees and shrubs from insect pests. This blog will concentrate on tree pests that need to be controlled in Toronto in fall. We’ll tell you what types of trees…
Read morePlanting trees has a lot of important benefits. Trees greatly contribute to environment, increase the value of property and have a big positive impact on health of people. Trees can be planted in Toronto either in the early spring or in the fall (from early August to late October). There are many factors…
Read moreHaving hedges as well as shrubs offers a vast variety of advantages. Beautiful hedges and shrubs improve curb appeal and can greatly contribute to the exterior of your home. Hedges are a natural way to protect your property. Unlike manufactured fences, hedges and shrubs are a more environmentally friendly…
Read moreTree pests are a big threat for trees in Toronto. And of course, Toronto’s residents need to take the necessary measures to protect trees on their properties from dangerous bugs. Actually, insect pest control has to be one of top priorities in your tree care program. It’s worth noting that most tree…
Read moreIt’s worth noting that the municipal government of Toronto pays close attention to the protection of trees. According to Tree Protection By-laws, any type of construction project requires a tree preservation plan as well as an arborist report. > That means that if you are going to build new construction…
Read moreThere is no question that trees can become a good addition to any type of property. The reality is trees make properties more beautiful and comfortable. And of course, trees increase the value of properties. However, it’s crucial for property owners to maintain their trees in the right way. We are always…
Read moreIt’s no surprise that a lot of tree pests become active in the Toronto area in May. When the annoying insects are not treated effectively on time they can cause a lot of damage to trees and shrubs in your property. So, if you find that some of your trees have been attacked by pests, the best thing you…
Read moreYou’ve probably heard many times how it’s important to fertilize trees in spring. There is no doubt that spring deep root fertilizing is vital for keeping trees beautiful and healthy. In this blog, we are going to give you more insight into spring deep root tree fertilizing. Table Of Contents 1…
Read moreThe blooming season has come. So, we can see flowering trees and shrubs in gardens and on the streets of the city. On the other hand, we shouldn’t forget that some of bugs are active in Toronto in April. That means that now it’s time for Toronto’s homeowners as well as business owners to start treating…
Read moreSpring is the best time for planting trees. It’s important to know that tree planting process consists of two stages. First of all, you need to choose the right trees for your property. The next thing you need to do is to plant trees properly. After trees are planted, you’ll also need to perform regular…
Read moreThe goal of local GTA municipalities tree by-laws is to control tree removal, raise the awareness of tree preservation and, most importantly, keep the urban canopy in balance. It’s worth noting that each GTA municipalities has its own tree by-laws. So, if a tree is above the certain size then it falls…
Read morePests are known to be one of the biggest threats to trees and urban forests in the city of Toronto. It’s important to note that different types of pests damage trees within the Toronto area every year. That’s the reason why the municipal government makes huge efforts to resolve tree pest problem for…
Read moreThe winter has gone and the spring has come. That means that the new growing season for trees is about to begin. Now, it’s time to do spring yard and garden clean ups. We can help you with cleaning up your yard/garden after a snowy winter and prepare your trees for the new growing season. Table…
Read moreIt’s no surprise that arborist reports and consulting services are provided by many tree care companies in the city of Toronto. When do you need to get an arborist report in Toronto? Where to get an arborist report in Toronto? These kinds of questions faced by so many Toronto’s residents these days.…
Read moreWe are just a month away from spring. The late winter is good time to start preparing trees for spring. If you prepare your trees for spring properly you’ll be able to contribute greatly to their growth and development. Bear in mind that our arborists have huge experience in preparing trees for spring…
Read moreToronto region is known for its cold winter weather, harsh winds as well as severe snow and ice storms. It’s common knowledge that freezing cold winter weather can negatively affect health of trees. That’s why it’s so important for Toronto’s residents to have at least a basic understanding of how to…
Read moreSnow, ice, freezing rain as well as winds cause huge damage to Toronto’s residents every year. Winter has already come and that means that we must be ready for severe storms and bad weather. It’s crucial for Toronto’s residents to make sure that their homes and properties are protected from storms.…
Read moreIce build-ups on roofs are considered to be a big problem for many homeowners as well as commercial property owners in Toronto during cold winter months. It’s widely known that ice dams pose serious risks to people. Ice dams can also damage your roof, structure of a building and cause leaks inside your…
Read moreWinter is coming. That means that it’s time for Toronto’s business owners, homeowners as well as gardeners to consider winter tree care services. Tree Doctors provide different types of winter tree care and maintenance services within the Toronto area. The tree care services of this type are designed…
Read moreWe are just a few weeks away from Christmas and New Year holidays. All that means that it’s time to start decorating streets, trees as well as buildings and properties with holiday lighting. Are you looking for holiday lights installation services in Toronto? We are here to help you! Our professionals…
Read moreIf you live in Toronto you probably know that it’s incredibly important to prepare trees for severe winter storms properly. Some people choose to take advantage of tree removal and tree pruning services to reduce the risk of failure dramatically. In most cases, both these methods work quite well. However,…
Read moreThere is a good piece of news for arborists as well as clients of Tree Doctors. It’s important to know that the tree care company of their choice has been recently featured at CBC news for tree related news in Toronto. Below, you’ll be able to find the more detailed information about this piece of news. The…
Read moreAs you can see, summer has gone and fall has come. So, the winter is getting closer. For arborists and gardeners, that means it’s time to prepare trees for the cold winter months. It’s widely known that leaves start to fall off trees in the fall as well. That’s why the need for fall cleanup services…
Read moreOctober has already begun, so it’s time to collect and destroy fallen leaves as well as fallen branches. By doing so, you’ll be able to prevent the spread of various tree pests and diseases. It goes without saying that fall clean up has to be a key part of your tree maintenance program. It’s widely…
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