
7 Common Tree Care Myths
23 May, 2019

7 Common Tree Care Myths

Tree care is a broad subject, and if you’ve been following closely, there are all sorts of information regarding tree care. From your interactions with people, or somewhere on the web, you might have stumbled upon some mystifying theories that got you thinking. If you’re not keen, you might easily fall…

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5 Good Reasons Why Stump Grinding is Necessary
9 May, 2019

5 Good Reasons Why Stump Grinding is Necessary

When one or more stumps are left unattended in your yard, in most cases, it leaves the compound looking untidy and messed up. It becomes a breeding spot for insects, grows unwanted weeds around, and it can also be a health hazard to anyone including children and pets. Stump grinding is undoubtedly the…

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What are the Common Signs of a Dying or Dead Tree?
25 Apr, 2019

What are the Common Signs of a Dying or Dead Tree?

For many homeowners, it is usually not easy to notice a dying tree until it’s too late. This is because trees die gradually, and in most cases, their deaths could take years if the causes are slow-biting and natural. If possible, it is essential to be on the lookout for some of the signs pointing out…

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Why tree removal is important after storm damage
9 Apr, 2019

Why tree removal is important after storm damage

More often than not, strong storms or hurricanes leave homeowners in Canada at a loss. Falling trees damage property, and sometimes, even harm people. So, what measures should be taken after a storm damaged? Carry out a tree removal, pruning, or just wait for a disaster to happen? We clearly know that…

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Tips for Selecting the Best Tree Service Company
24 Mar, 2019

Tips for Selecting the Best Tree Service Company

Probably you’ve noticed your compound does not look anything like you’d want it to appear. You may need to have a tree cut down, trimmed, or have a tree(s) planted, but you do not have the proper machinery to do it yourself. A tree service company should be well-poised to do all the work on your behalf.…

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Four sure signs that you need your tree removed
1 Feb, 2019

Four sure signs that you need your tree removed

Trees enhance the aesthetic appeal of your landscape with their multihued blooming leaves in spring. However, as a result of illness and other reasons, they can also cause injury or damage when they are dying. As a home or property owner, what sure signs should you be wary of to avert potential danger?…

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How to hang Christmas lights on your outdoor trees
15 Dec, 2018

How to hang Christmas lights on your outdoor trees

The festive season is here. Many homeowners are thinking of how they can decorate their gardens with outdoor lights. Well, if you have trees in your garden, then that can be simple - consider wrapping them with holiday lights to create a hospitable festive mood in your compound. Here are some simple…

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What's the difference? Urban and Rural soils
28 Nov, 2018

What's the difference? Urban and Rural soils

When you think about tree care you may tend to focus on the parts of the tree that can be seen. The trunk and branches, but what about the roots? Sometimes we can see those too, the one big thing that you may not consider when thinking about your tree’s health is the soil. In rural areas and forests,…

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Tree safety on construction sites
21 Nov, 2018

Tree safety on construction sites

Planning a construction zone involves many factors, including time, money, building plans, and physical labor. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to add onto their home, or a business owner needing to do some remodeling around the outside of the office, there are a few key environmental factors that…

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Preparing freshly planted trees this winter season
14 Nov, 2018

Preparing freshly planted trees this winter season

If this is your first year planting a new tree, you may have some questions on how to prepare your new sapling for the coming winter. A freshly planted tree, whether young or mature will be at risk during the cold simply for the fact that they lack an established root system. Read on to find out what…

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Why Tree's have bark
23 Oct, 2018

Why Tree's have bark

There is a lot of discussion on how to care for a tree along with the benefits of regular pruning, trimming, and fertilization. However, in some cases where a tree is beyond saving, tree removal services become necessary. Here at Tree Doctors, part of our tree care services is to do a thorough examination…

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Why Hire an ISA Certified Arborist
17 Oct, 2018

Why Hire an ISA Certified Arborist

As you may know, an arborist is an individual who is knowledgeable and trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining the health and safety of trees. These specialists are capable of providing you with any information you need about your trees along with how to properly care…

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The Importance of Regular Tree Trimming or Pruning
10 Oct, 2018

The Importance of Regular Tree Trimming or Pruning

Tree trimming can seem a daunting task if you are considering taking this on yourself. For projects large and small, we recommend calling Tree Doctors and having one of our knowledgeable arborists give you a free estimate. Aside from aesthetics, trimming and pruning your trees have multiple benefits.…

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Understanding Insurance Benefits and Tree Removal
5 Oct, 2018

Understanding Insurance Benefits and Tree Removal

Sometimes all it takes is a strong wind or storm to damage what you believed to be a sturdy tree. In some unfortunate instances, a damaged tree means damaged property. You may be left questioning your next steps and wondering if tree-related property damage will be covered by your insurance. In this…

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Steps to Take After Your Trees Suffer Storm Damage
2 Oct, 2018

Steps to Take After Your Trees Suffer Storm Damage

While a storm can be beautiful for some, it can be devastating for others. When your trees suffer during a storm there is a definite possibility for property damage to occur. First instincts say to begin clean-up immediately. However, this may not necessarily be the safest route to take. In this blog,…

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Mycorrhizae: A tree’s best friend
18 Sep, 2018

Mycorrhizae: A tree’s best friend

You will be surprised to learn how the mycorrhizae fungi assist your trees and the ecosystem!

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Answering Common Questions About Tree Diseases
12 Sep, 2018

Answering Common Questions About Tree Diseases

Have you noticed that something is wrong with your tree? It’s a sign of a tree disease. In fact, there are a lot of diseases that can negatively affect tree’s health and growth. It all begins with diagnosing a tree. First and foremost, you have to identify tree’s problems. Next, your tree has to get…

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What Do Yellow Leaves in Summer Mean for My Trees?
31 Aug, 2018

What Do Yellow Leaves in Summer Mean for My Trees?

The vast majority of trees tend to change their colors several times during the year. Traditionally, the leaves of trees remain green before the start of fall. Normally, tree leaves change their colors during the fall season. As a result, trees turn yellow, red and orange. Does a tree have yellow leaves…

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Spotting the Signs of 10 Common Tree Diseases
15 Aug, 2018

Spotting the Signs of 10 Common Tree Diseases

Trees are a good addition to any property. However, it’s crucial for property owners to keep their trees healthy. Diseased trees negatively affect house’s exterior. On the other hand, unhealthy trees may pose a risk to people and properties. If you find that your tree is unhealthy, contact tree care…

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Properly Pruning Your Trees: 10 Things to Consider
25 Jul, 2018

Properly Pruning Your Trees: 10 Things to Consider

Pruning is a key part of a tree care program. Tree pruning needs to be done for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, pruning helps a tree maintain its appearance and shape. Pruning also plays an important role in controlling tree pests as well as tree diseases. If done right, pruning helps keep…

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How to Protect Young Trees from Wind Damage
11 Jul, 2018

How to Protect Young Trees from Wind Damage

We all know that ice, snow as well as frost are a big problem for trees in winter. However, property owners should also keep their trees safe, beautiful and healthy in spring, summer and fall. Strong winds pose a huge threat to young trees during summer months. And of course, you need to do something…

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Top 10 Signs It’s Time to Prune Your Tree
29 Jun, 2018

Top 10 Signs It’s Time to Prune Your Tree

Pruning trees offer a variety of important benefits to trees. Generally speaking, pruning is something that helps keep trees as well as shrubs beautiful and healthy. On top of that, tree pruning helps prevent property damage. The question is – when is the best time to prune trees? Today, we’ll tell you…

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The Dos and Don’ts of Tree Care
15 Jun, 2018

The Dos and Don’ts of Tree Care

Tree care prevents tree damage as well as tree pests and tree diseases and promotes the healthy growths of trees. Tree care helps keep trees beautiful and strong. The regular tree maintenance program includes tree risk management, tree trimming and pruning, tree pest and disease control, tree mulching,…

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Spring Tree Fertilizing in Toronto
2 May, 2018

Spring Tree Fertilizing in Toronto

Spring fertilization is particularly important for trees in Toronto. We'll tell you everything that you need to know about spring fertilizing in Toronto.

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Spring Tree Pest Control in Toronto
12 Apr, 2018

Spring Tree Pest Control in Toronto

The weather gets warmer in spring and some of tree pests become active. That’s why spring tree pest control has to be a key part of your tree care program. You should inspect all of your trees for insects in early spring and take all the necessary actions to prevent tree pests before an upcoming growing…

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Preparation for Spring Tree Planting
29 Mar, 2018

Preparation for Spring Tree Planting

One of the best ways to add beauty and value to a home is to plant trees on the property. Spring is a great time to plant trees. However, tree planting is no easy task that requires thorough planning and preparation as well as special knowledge and skills. Today, we will give you a few tips on how to…

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Spring Tree Care Checklist
16 Mar, 2018

Spring Tree Care Checklist

The winter has already come to an end. Snow and ice will melt away from your garden very soon. Now, it’s time for you to focus on spring tree care. Your job is to prepare your trees for new growth. Also, you should get ready for planning new trees. Today, we’ll provide you with the spring tree care checklist.…

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Tree Care Before and After Storms
2 Mar, 2018

Tree Care Before and After Storms

Preventative tree care helps reduce the risk of trees significantly. You may also need post-storm tree care to clean your property from fallen trees and branches after severe storm. Today, we’ll talk about tree care before and after storms that needs to be done to prevent different types of problems from happening.

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Winter Care of Newly Planted Trees
1 Feb, 2018

Winter Care of Newly Planted Trees

Newly planted trees as well as young trees are weak and winter can be very hard on them. Such trees don’t have a strong root system and their bark is thick. That’s why new trees require special winter care. If you have newly planted or young trees on your property then you should familiarize yourself…

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Protecting Trees from Snow, Ice and Salt Damage
16 Jan, 2018

Protecting Trees from Snow, Ice and Salt Damage

Winter is a beautiful time of the year. Everything is covered in snow. Trees look great in winter. On the other hand, winter poses huge risks to health of trees. Snow and ice accumulated on branches as well as salt on the roads and public paths can become a huge problem for trees in winter. Strong winds…

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ISA and ASCA Certified Arborists

$5,000,000 Liability Insurance

Combined Tree Expertise for 50+ yrs

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