
The Risks And Benefits Of Mulching
10 Apr, 2021

The Risks And Benefits Of Mulching

Once in a while it's interesting to determine what's to an extreme, insufficient or spot on for our trees. Take mulching, for instance. It's an unquestionably essential requirement for legitimate tree support, however when mulch is excessively high and contacts a tree's trunk, it can cause issues. It’s…

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Why And How Trees Develop Issues
3 Apr, 2021

Why And How Trees Develop Issues

Tree disease and infection is a near unpredictable and frustrating thing. When looking to understand the basics of prevention and management in relation to these issues, knowing the different types of causes and risks that contribute to them is essential. The numerous causes behind the interruption…

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The Essentials Of Tree Wellbeing
27 Mar, 2021

The Essentials Of Tree Wellbeing

Tree maintenance and care can be a daunting task. Trees are often confronted with extreme conditions, risk of infestation and damage, and will likely need inspection at one point or another. Because of this, it’s imperative to know the basics of tree health, what to prevent, look out for and manage.  …

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Caring For And Protecting Your Trees
20 Mar, 2021

Caring For And Protecting Your Trees

Once a tree has been planted, it takes appropriate and consistent consideration, support and upkeep to protect it on an ongoing basis. The most ideal approach to secure the survival of a tree is to prevent damage from occurring. Appropriate planting, upkeep and prevention are the keys to guarding the…

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Controlling Vegetation On Your Trees
13 Mar, 2021

Controlling Vegetation On Your Trees

Most plants either have or will develop a woody stem. This can include trees, tree saplings, bushes, brush, plants and thistles. Some examples of these types of plants include Willow, Locust, Maple and Tree of heaven saplings. Although the development of woody material can be overwhelming to maintain…

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Springtime Tree Care
6 Mar, 2021

Springtime Tree Care

Springtime is an ideal chance to give your trees some additional help and consideration. Since they have been dormant for a quarter of a year, it is essential that your trees are dealt with as early into spring as possible. There are a couple of practicesthat you ought to take with your trees after…

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The Most Common Tree Diseases
27 Feb, 2021

The Most Common Tree Diseases

Tree diseases aren't warm and pleasant things. Among the potential harm they can cause are dying leaves, branches and, in more severe cases, the demise of a whole tree. Keep reading for a review on how the most common tree infections are caused, how to recognize them and how to control and treat them.  …

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The Top 15 Most Interesting Plants In Canada
19 Feb, 2021

The Top 15 Most Interesting Plants In Canada

With regards to Canadian plants and trees, there is a plethora of variety. From tropic-like plants in the north, to more regional plants with surprisingly bold appearances, here are 15 outlandish —and fascinating —sorts of plants you'll discover in Canada.                                            …

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What You Should Know About Conifer Trees
12 Feb, 2021

What You Should Know About Conifer Trees

Conifers are trees with extraordinarily extensive scale-like leaves or needles and seed-bearing cones. They are generally evergreen and can develop into enormous, towering trees. There are also many miniature varieties, including numerous groundcover plants. Here are some basic things to keep in mind…

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Identifying Evergreen Trees
5 Feb, 2021

Identifying Evergreen Trees

Initially, most evergreen trees look pretty comparative and similar at a first glance. Regardless of whether you take a closer look or not, you may not even know what differences you're looking for. How might you recognize one evergreen tree from another? How about we answer that question for three…

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Cleaning Up After Winter Storms
29 Jan, 2021

Cleaning Up After Winter Storms

Regardless of whether you got two inches or two feet, there are almost always issues to manage after a Cleaning Up After winter stormwinter storm –particularly if you’ve lost access to what you would’ve had prior to it. The following are a couple of tips for how to clear rapidly, tidy viably, and stay…

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Planning Your Tree Planting
22 Jan, 2021

Planning Your Tree Planting

As getting your trees ready for future challenges takes some planning and thorough investigation, right now is a great chance to learn more about tree care and planting. The greatest way to do this is by learning more about your community. The Tree Doctors team would love to help you in your first step…

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The Essentials In Winter Tree Maintenance
15 Jan, 2021

The Essentials In Winter Tree Maintenance

Another year has begun, but the wintry weather hasn’t ended yet. Trees are like sleeping giants, hibernating through the freezing temperatures until the warmer weather arrives. But trees aren’t just snoozing the winter, they actually experience the full impact of it, more than some may think. Older…

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Preventing Tree Damage In Colder Temperatures
7 Jan, 2021

Preventing Tree Damage In Colder Temperatures

Colder temperatures can bring a perilous time for trees. There are various ways that colder elements can bring harm to your landscape, ranging in reasons and methods of prevention. Reasons for cold damage on trees can vary, but most commonly include root damage and extensive bark and core chewing by…

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Preparing Your Trees For Colder Weather
2 Jan, 2021

Preparing Your Trees For Colder Weather

Despite the fact that trees are mostly dormant during winter, they're not shielded from the elements like a resting creature that hibernates in an enclosed spot. Trees often experience the entirety of the crude power of the cold season. Frigid conditions can be unpleasant on trees, particularly on more…

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Factors To Consider When Looking For An Arborist
22 Dec, 2020

Factors To Consider When Looking For An Arborist

Picking the ideal organization to manage your tree care needs can be troublesome and frustrating. There are many companies that advertise to do such work, but not all of them are the same. It is important that when deciding on a tree care company, that you pick one that is adequate. What things would…

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How To Better Maintain Your Trees
21 Dec, 2020

How To Better Maintain Your Trees

From old trees to new trees, the trees in your yard need appropriate consideration and care to flourish and put their best selves forward. Trees can be useful to any yard. In addition to the fact that they help the landscape, they additionally improve the estimation of your home and can help cut utility…

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Important Things To Consider When Thinking About Tree Removal
18 Dec, 2020

Important Things To Consider When Thinking About Tree Removal

Deciding on and carrying out tree removal is a perilous endeavor, requiring particular tools and experienced people. An arborist can carry out a careful and thorough assessment of a harmed or problematic tree to decide whether or not expulsion is necessary and what possible options for removal there…

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Improve The Health Of Your Trees
4 Dec, 2020

Improve The Health Of Your Trees

A few trees can stand the trial of time and withstand harsh environmental conditions. However, thereare some trees that may be able to last through tough conditions but that don’t look well by their overall appearance. What is the key to keeping a tree well and growing for a long time to come?   Make…

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How To Manage Tree Growth
4 Dec, 2020

How To Manage Tree Growth

Trees develop until they arrive at the stature and size that their hereditary programming directs them to, with the exception of a few environmental factors. When the size of the tree becomes unmaintainable in its location, is it possible to stop tree development? The appropriate answer to the question…

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What To Do If Your Tree Is Shedding Bark?
20 Nov, 2020

What To Do If Your Tree Is Shedding Bark?

Are your trees shedding bark? It is quite regular for a tree to moderately shed bark, especially for some types like silver maple or birch. Shedding large chunks of bark is part of the tree’s allure and natural cycle. Trees like oak, pine, maple or ash develop from its inside out, forcing older bark…

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Managing Surface Roots
20 Nov, 2020

Managing Surface Roots

Yards with large trees are often disrupted by surface roots, which can make law maintenance difficult and can crack sidewalks. More than anything, they are just not appealing to the eye and are a potentially dangerous tripping risk to passers-by. What to do? Here are a few great suggestions on managing…

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Note to Tree Doctors Customers About the COVID-19
24 Mar, 2020

Note to Tree Doctors Customers About the COVID-19

The entire world is concerned about Coronavirus right now and we want you to know that safety is our #1 Priority. We also want you to know that we are still available to work, and we are taking precautions to prevent unnecessary exposure for our staff and our customers, both on the job site and in house.…

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How to keep trees from falling on your house?
6 Mar, 2020

How to keep trees from falling on your house?

Some of the most striking images that are shown on TV after storms are those of houses with trees through their roofs. These are also some of the scariest pictures for those whose own homes are within range of a tree that could fall. Here are some ways you can help keep your house from needing such extensive…

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Fun Tree Facts that May Surprise You
27 Jan, 2020

Fun Tree Facts that May Surprise You

Trees form a big part of our immediate environment. Some are planted for purposes of bearing fruits, others for the beauty of flowers, conservation of the environment, while others are self-growing. Apparently, there is so much we don’t know about these trees, and here are some interesting facts that…

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How to Grow the Ever-flowering Crabapple Tree
16 Dec, 2019

How to Grow the Ever-flowering Crabapple Tree

Flowers are naturally pleasant to behold, but the art of developing them to become the delights they are is not quite the same. While the majority of them are grown at ground level, others grow well at a higher level, where they provide a magnificent cascade for all to see. A perfect example is the famous…

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Planting a Real Christmas Tree in Your Garden
9 Dec, 2019

Planting a Real Christmas Tree in Your Garden

During the Christmas season, it is the Christmas tree that brings out the real glamour of the festive season in our homes. Quite often, people use temporary decorations, among them plastic trees, to give their homes a fresh new look over that period. Once the festivities are over, the décor is removed…

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Can insurance cover for damages caused by trees?
1 Oct, 2019

Can insurance cover for damages caused by trees?

It is highly likely that your home is surrounded by trees, which act as windbreakers or provide shade within the compound. At times, diseases and other elements take toll on these trees, making them potentially hazardous to your family, house, vehicles, and other fixtures present in your yard. When a…

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15 Signs of When to Remove a Tree
3 Sep, 2019

15 Signs of When to Remove a Tree

There are several benefits to having trees on your property, but there are signs of when to remove a tree is necessary. Trees produce oxygen, conserve energy, and provide habitats for birds, insects, and animals. Planting trees on your property can also have significant economic benefits. Properties…

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Tips for Planting Trees Near Utility Lines
17 Jun, 2019

Tips for Planting Trees Near Utility Lines

If you realize the need to plant a few more trees in your yard, there are several things that you should consider, and one of them is proximity to utility lines. Different tree species grow into different sizes and shapes, and therefore, the choice of tree you plant must be factored. Some trees may…

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